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About Us

Hello world, I'm Miss Lyra! So happy that we meet here ...

I have many titles, but let me try to be simple. I'm a Cantonese offspring and a Chaozhou offspring.

I've always loved freedom, and since my 20s, I was able to control my time and my life, and I was able to travel around the world whle I teach American English online. During my 7+ years of teaching, I happened to meet lots of moms and female students, and that helped me to realize - if I want to solve education problems, family problems, I need to start with the moms, which is Women Education.


I stumbled into the spiritual world due to a domestic violent relationship in 2017.


That was the darkest time of my life, as I lost everything I've had, my happiness, my power, my self-esteem and my money. And now I realized, I was just transforming in a cocoon. Along this self-healing journey, I've learned the healing power of flowers, I retrieved the masculine and feminine power that enable me to live my highest self, and I also found my real position in life. In addition to that, I've also found a life partner that truly loves me, respects me, and cherishes me. The biggest darkness ended up the biggest blessing in my life. And I'm here to share you all the gifts God has given me during this journey - so you can return to your throne as well.

I hope The Butterfly School can empower women to figure out who you truly are, understand how to manage your masculine and feminine power, and help you to find your own life path in this wonderfully real world. You have your special gift that the world is awaiting you to share.

Fly, Butterflies! Let your soul fly!


​你好,我是Miss Lyra!很高興我們能在這裡相遇⋯⋯

我有很多的頭銜,但是讓我更簡單一點好了,我就是一名廣東人,潮州人的後代^ ^我成長于深港地區,自由喜歡英文,19歲開始旅居美國,開啟心理學的學習。



​我目前在自己俄亥俄州的花園潛心研究花朵對人類情緒的療癒力,計劃讀博。我希望The Butterfly School能幫助更多女性拿回屬於她們自己本身的力量,讓她們憶起她們真正是誰,擁有平衡的陽性能量和陰性能量去創造,並且能夠勇敢得飛出屬於自己的道路。

Fly, Butterflies! 讓你的靈魂起飛!

​Miss Lyra

Our Mission

We are here to help women to fly! Fly with their souls and hearts, break off all the limitations, and become whatever they desire to be. Find their own life purposes, and turn it into their career. They will be free.

We offer monthly I Can Fly seminars as well as our premium group The Butterfly Circle™ to support women who wants to live their best life from a soulful level. Our values are virtue, liberty and independence.



我們提供每月I Can Fly 中英文研討會,以及我們的高端成長圈The Butterfly Circle™去支持那些希望能夠真正活出自己靈魂本位的女性們,與世界分享自己獨一無二的才能。我們擁戴的價值觀是道德、自由與獨立。


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